Sunday, March 14, 2010

Molly Journal #3

November 15th –Week 3

It has been 3 weeks now and I feel quite settled in. I have met lots of great people through scuba diving here. There have been difficult days of extended rain but then it clears up again and I am extra grateful for the sun and calm water.

I am sad that the residents left on Wednesday; I really enjoyed them and feel a bit lonely now. In clinic now Mario is the sole doctor for a few weeks. This actually works out well because now we go through patients slower, so I can get all the triaging done and have time to listen in on the consultations. Before with 3 doctors I could only just keep up getting kids ready as they went through them. This will be good to listen to Dr. Mario work with the patients and learn more from him.

I am happy that the woman with the premature infant has been returning for weight checks. She is so proud that every time he is gaining weight (yay!). It is wonderful that she listened to the doctor’s advice and is really following through. So, there is hope for this baby.

I’m feeling competent with my duties in the clinic, My Spanish is warming up and even when a mother goes off on all the problems of the child, I can follow pretty well. Unfortunately though, everyone in West End speaks English, so my Spanish practice is more limited to clinic.