Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Chrissy Journal 6

This week was busy. The other two doctors/clinics that see patients were gone and so we were getting a lot of patients. It wasn’t too much, though, just busy. The cases were about the same as what we usually see.

There was one boy who came in that had been on the ward the week before for a broken arm. Dr. Jackie was giving him a little ibuprofen for the pain and thought that the reason his blood pressure was so high was because he was anxious, and so they put him on blood pressure medication. He came into the clinic and Dr. Stephanie took him off of it, and his blood pressure is doing fine now. Dr. Aditi heard a few heart murmurs, so she filled out the referral to mainland hospitals, then we found out that Ms. Peggy will have someone doing Echos in a couple weeks. We need to figure out a way to have better communication on the resources she has. She is an amazing asset to healthcare on the island.

Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Aditi stopped going on rounds in the morning, because they felt that Dr. Jackie and Dr. Lemos were patronizing them, and they couldn’t see eye to eye with the medicine they were practicing here.